
Advanced Banking & ATM with Deposit, Withdraw, Savings Account, Cards, Loans, Loan Applications, Transactions, Societies, Bank Manager Job

QBCore & ESX Compatible

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Installing in server

  • Make sure oxmysql & PolyZone and installed in resources folder

  • Place xn-banking.zip in resources folder

  • Extract xn-banking.zip

  • Add ensure PolyZone(if not already present)

  • Add ensure oxmysql (if not already present)

  • Add ensure xn-banking

Setting up database

  • Delete any table whose name starts with bank in your database

  • Import banking.sql file in your database present in xn-banking folder


Add Bank Manager Job

There are 10 banks in banks table. Job grade = bank id in bank table. Example: If you set job at grade 1, then he will be bank manager of only bank with id 1. You can find location of banks in banks table in database

Edit qb-core / shared / job.lua

Like this add 10 grades each grade for 1 bank

['bank_manager'] = {
 	label = 'Bank Manager',
	defaultDuty = true,
	offDutyPay = false,
	grades = {
        ['1'] = {
        	name = 'Bank Manager',
                payment = 50

Inventory Items

['visa'] = {
	['name'] = 'visa', 			 	  	  	
	['label'] = 'Visa', 					
	['weight'] = 0, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'visacard.png', 				
	['unique'] = true, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = false,   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'visa card'
['mastercard'] = {
	['name'] = 'mastercard', 			 	  	  	
	['label'] = 'Mastercard', 					
	['weight'] = 0, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'mastercard.png', 				
	['unique'] = true, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = false,   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'master card'


Visa - Download Link

Mastercard - Download Link



Read comments in config.lua for more info


Client Side: banking:client:openBank



To open atm near atm prop

Fixed Societies

  1. Import SQL file added in update

  1. Config option to enable Fixed Societies

  1. Exports available only when Fixed Societies is enabled. These exports are only for Job/Gang Accounts and not for player accounts

AddMoney = function(joborgangname, amount, reason)
AddGangMoney = function(joborgangname, amount, reason)
RemoveMoney = function(joborgangname, amount, reason)
RemoveGangMoney = function(joborgangname, amount, reason)
GetAccountBalance = function(joborgangname)

Last updated